Create a Command Line Tool in Xcode on macOS#

This topic describes the steps needed to configure an Objective-C Command Line Tool in Xcode. These steps have been verified to work with Xcode 15.0.1, on macOS Ventura 13.5.2.

Create the Xcode project#

  1. Open Xcode, select Create New Project, pick macOS as a platform, pick Command Line Tool for Application

  2. Set Product Name to enum-devices, select Objective-C for language.

  3. Rename main.m to

  4. Download the 64 bit version of PrimoBurner for C++ (macOS). The file you need will have a name similar to except for the version number which may be different.

  5. Extract the ZIP archive in a location of your choice, then copy the include and lib directories to the primoburner subdirectory of the Xcode project directory. The Xcode project directory is the directory that contains the enum-devices.xcodeproj project file.

    You should end up with a directory structure similar to the following:

    ├── primoburner
    │   ├── include
    │   └── lib
    ├── enum-devices
    │   └──
    └── enum-devices.xcodeproj
  6. In Xcode, select the enum-devices project in Xcode, and then the ‘Build Settings’ tab:

    • Under Apple Clang - Language - C++, set the C++ Language Dialect to C++20[-std=c++20]

    • Under Search Paths | Header Search Paths, add the $(PROJECT_DIR)/primoburner/include directory to the list

    • Under linking - General | Runpath Search Paths, add @executable_path to the list

    • Set the Build Products Path to $(PROJECT_DIR)/build

  7. In Xcode, select the ‘enum-devices’ target, and then the ‘Build Phases’ tab:

    • Expand the ‘Link Binary with Libraries’ section

    • Add the libPrimoBurner.dylib from the $(PROJECT_DIR)/primoburner/lib/x64 directory.

  8. Replace the contents of with this code:

    //  enum-devices
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    #pragma clang diagnostic push
    #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Weverything"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <primo/burner/pb.h>
    #include <primo/platform/ustring.h>
    #include <primo/platform/reference++.h>
    #pragma clang diagnostic pop
    namespace p = primo;
    namespace pb = primo::burner;
    int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
        @autoreleasepool {
            // Create engine
            auto engine = p::make_ref(pb::Library::createEngine());
            // Initialize engine
            // create device enumerator
            auto enumerator = p::make_ref(engine->createDeviceEnumerator());
            for (int i = 0; i < enumerator->count(); i++) {
                // create a device; do not ask for exclusive access
                auto device = p::make_ref(enumerator->createDevice(i, false));
                if (device) {
                    using namespace std;
                    auto description = p::ustring(device->description());
                    cout << "Device       : " << i << endl;
                    cout << "Description  : " << description.str() << endl;
                    cout << endl;
            // terminate engine
        return 0;
  9. Restart Xcode!!! Otherwise it will not pick the new Build Products Path

  10. Build the project ( ⌘B )

  11. Copy the file libPrimoBurner.dylib from primoburner/lib/x64 to build/Debug.

  12. Run the application in Xcode. You should see a list of all CD / DVD / BD devices that are connected to the system.


  • You may get dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/libPrimoBurner.dylib or a similar message. To fix that, copy the file libPrimoBurner.dylib from primoburner/lib to build/Debug.