Setting License Info#

PrimoBurner License File#

The PrimoBurner license file is sent to you via email when you purchase a license. The license file is an XML document that looks similar to this one:

This file contains PrimoSoftware license(s). 
Line breaks and indentation between elements can be edited, 
but any other reformatting may invalidate the license(s). 
    <license version='1.0'>
    <updateTime>2014-11-02 22:59:08</updateTime>
    <item id='pb-win'>
    <item id='avb-win'>
        <feature id='aac-dec' />
        <feature id='aac-enc' />
        <feature id='mpa-dec' />
        <feature id='mpa-enc' />
        <feature id='vorbis-dec' />
        <feature id='vorbis-enc' />
        <feature id='wma-dec' />
        <feature id='wma-enc' />
        <feature id='pcm' />

In C++, you have to pass the XML as a string to Library::setLicense. You can use a C++11 string literal, e.g. R"xml( xml goes here )xml".


This code requires Visual Studio 2013 or later.

// SetLicense.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

static const char* licenseXml = R"xml(
    This file contains PrimoSoftware license(s). 
    Line breaks and indentation between elements can be edited, 
    but any other reformatting may invalidate the license(s). 
        <license version='1.0'>
        <updateTime>2014-11-02 22:59:08</updateTime>
        <item id='pb-win'>
        <item id='avb-win'>
            <feature id='aac-dec' />
            <feature id='aac-enc' />
            <feature id='mpa-dec' />
            <feature id='mpa-enc' />
            <feature id='vorbis-dec' />
            <feature id='vorbis-enc' />
            <feature id='wma-dec' />
            <feature id='wma-enc' />
            <feature id='pcm' />

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    using namespace primo::license;
    using namespace primo::burner;


        primo::ref<LicenseInfo> licenseInfo(Library::createLicenseInfo());
        assert(LicenseStatusFlags::Ready == licenseInfo->licenseStatus());

    return 0;